Posted by: mlsweet11 | January 16, 2012

My sport is the sport of fitness.

My sport is the sport of fitness. How did I end up here?

Since I joined CrossFit Peachtree in September of 2009, my life has been transformed. What started as a desire to break free from the mundane routine at my traditional fitness center, has become a full commitment to advancing in this sport.

I have always been an athlete, then I went to college. Like many athletes who don’t play in college, I continued to eat like an athlete but didn’t live like an athlete. So after college I decided it was time to get back in shape. I hit the gym for long cardio sessions, weight training and the occasional group fitness classes. Soon I hit a plateau in my weight loss and got bored with my fitness routine. I missed training and competition, and the best way I knew to get that was to train for the upcoming Rock and Roll Half Marathon in Nashville, TN.

I had just finished my first 11 mile run when my friend suggested I try CrossFit.

Thinking to myself I am in great shape, I naively signed up to try it out! After 3 minutes of a workout that required me to do as many rounds as possible (AMRAP) in 10 minutes of 5 burpees, 10 wallballs, 15 kettlebell swings, I felt completely out of shape. After 10 minutes was up, I was scratching my head as to why someone who could run for hours couldn’t do a 10 minute workout. Then the coach said to me “the Rx version of this WOD is 20 minutes with a heavier ball and kettle bell,” being the competitive person that I am, this was all I needed to hear to get started. Now I am competitor and a coach, pushing myself and others past personal limitations!

When I joined my goal was to do 1 pull-up and to look good in a bathing suit. Not even a year into it I did my first FRAN, 21-15-9 65# Thrusters/Pull-ups, 6 months later set a personal record shaving off 3 minutes. This past Saturday I retested this WOD and shaved 1:15 off my time! What blows my mind is how the body can adapt, and that is exactly what I found training with OPT BIG DAWGS.

When it comes to the sport of fitness, James Fitzgerald is the leader of the pack. Today I finished his 3rd online construction series event as prescribed and accomplished things I never thought possible. His programming has pushed me to do the impossible, learn and then do it better. The value he provides daily for me on my own personal fitness journey is priceless. I am proud to be starting my OPT CCP level 1 coursework in February so I can bring that knowledge to the athletes at Crossfit Peachtree.

Here’s to pushing past personal limitations
Here’s to the coaches and athletes
Here’s to changing peoples lives
Here’s to the sport of fitness

Read this for more information on CrossFit or what other people have experienced.

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